Friday, June 27, 2008

Alberta Trip and Family Time

55 Days and Counting

We suddenly realized that we don't have weeks left anymore, just days. Sure, we could count the weeks, but when you think about it in terms of days, it puts it into perspective. Only 55 left and counting...and we know how quickly a day can go by. So, we want to make the most of what is left, because too soon it will be gone.

A couple weeks ago we left on a road trip for Alberta. First we went to Drumheller and visited the Royal Tyrell Museum (the kids favorite part had nothing to do with disnosaurs!). We stopped in on a couple of MAF families in Three Hills and were very encouraged. Then, off to Red Deer for a nice visit with my Aunt and Uncle. We headed down to Claresholme for a wedding social for Cheryl's niece. Next, we were off to Airdrie for a night with some friends who spent a year in Nepal. We went North to Edmonton and visited with several families. On our way home, we stopped in Derwent and Lloydminster to visit two other families. It was a great trip over 8 days covering 2100 km. Phew, I'm tired just thinking about how busy that was. We had a great trip and were richly blessed by the great connections visiting with so many friends.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The True Nature of Christ

Allow me to introduce to you my hero. She turned 95 this week, and she's my Baba. She's an amazing woman who reflects the nature of Christ. Her extravagent love is a true reflection of the heart of the Father.
I remember when I was young sitting with her in the kitchen early in the morning. It was always my special time with her, before everyone else got up. We would have a cup of tea together, she would fry me some perogies for breakfast, and we would talk. I reflect back on this time together. She was my safe place - I never felt less than, never felt inadequate. These were some of the best times of my childhood.
I am honoured that we could celebrate her 95th birthday together.