Thursday, September 18, 2014

Still hanging on

Well, August disappeared on us, and we are already half way through September. We had a wonderful trip through Red Deer(visiting my aunt) to Salmon Arm (Cheryl's Aunt), Kaledan (Cheryl's nephew), and Fruitvale BC (Cheryl's sister and her children's families). It was wonderful to see so much family after four (or more) years! We arrived back in Saskatoon at the start of September, and have been running ever since. We have a house in Saskatoon, and our renters moved out, allowing us the opportunity to do some upgrades and repairs. And suddenly, we are faced with the inevitable trip back to Botswana. We originally intended to travel back in November. However, South Africa passed a law-starting Oct 1 - which required all travelers with children to carry the unabridged birth certificate...not usually a problem. Well, we couldn't find Lily's birth certificate before we left Botswana. Our amazing HR manager in Botswana tried numerous times to get the certificate for us, but because of technical problems, did not succeed. So, with Oct fast approaching, MAF decided we better get back before the new law takes affect. Wouldn't you know it, last Friday, our tickets were re-booked for September 25th(with a financial penalty), and Monday morning, our HR gal managed to get the birth certificate. Not only that, but Monday afternoon, South Africa announced that it would delay implementing the law until June 2015. Well, the Lord must have a reason for this all. So, we are headed back to Botswana a week from today. Knowing that our time was shortening, some lovely people from our church in Saskatoon decided (in August) to host a dessert night, in order to give us the chance to share our ministry with a larger group of people. We had a lovely time with a great bunch of people, and a lot of great desserts. Thanks to everyone who attended, served, gave, and prayed for us. The evening was a huge success! So, with one week left to go, it will be a whirlwind of activity, as we finish renos, pack up, and say goodbye again to all our wonderful family and friends. We are excited to go back to Botswana, but we are going to have to hang on with all our might to get everything done.

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